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The Entrepreneur’s Armor: Resilience

The Entrepreneur’s Armor: Resilience

Building Resilience: The Entrepreneur's Armor As a business management consultant, I've seen the highs and lows that come with building and growing a business. From the thrill of launching a successful service offering to the disappointment of a failed campaign, the...

How to Implement Micro-Commitments for Influence and Leadership

How to Implement Micro-Commitments for Influence and Leadership

Micro-commitments are small, manageable actions taken consistently over time. They are the complete opposite of grand, one-off gestures, championing instead the steady drip of effort that can lead to an ocean of impact. This concept, while simple, taps into the deep...

Optimize Your Online Presence in 1 Hour or Less

Optimize Your Online Presence in 1 Hour or Less

Optimizing your online presence establishes credibility, fosters meaningful connections, and enhances your digital brand. In the interconnected world of digital marketing, your online presence is your online calling card. Just as a savvy entrepreneur strategically...

Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude

Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude

The Heart and Soul of a Membership Organization The volunteer community is a membership organization’s heart and soul. Their contribution is priceless, and the organization couldn’t function without them. Not only do they make things happen behind the scenes, but they...