6 Inbound Marketing Myths That Set You Up for Failure
It’s fine to learn from your own mistakes, and it’s better to learn from someone else’s. Take inbound marketing for example. Countless businesses have tried to implement inbound marketing within their organization, only to fail miserably. And why? Not because of any inherent flaws with the inbound marketing process, but rather flaws in their perception of what it is and how it’s supposed to work.
In other words, they failed because they believed the myths of inbound marketing. And if you don’t learn from their mistakes – if you try to implement inbound marketing with the same set of unrealistic expectations – there’s a good chance you’ll join them. With that in mind, take a look at 6 inbound marketing myths that you can avoid on your way to building an inbound business:
Myth #1: You’ll have so many leads, you won’t know what to do.
You might get leads in greater quantity from inbound marketing, but the real goal here is quality. Instead of 100 cold leads from a purchased directory list – people who will likely hang up or opt out the first chance they get – you’ll have 20 leads from people who voluntarily expressed interest in your company, your products or services. Who would your sales team rather follow up on? Exactly, so don’t get hung up on the numbers.
Myth #2: Inbound marketing is a one-department job.
It’s called inbound marketing, but you’re going to need the expertise of other departments in order to succeed – from IT and product, to sales and engineering. We’ll be covering this subject in greater depth in the next few weeks, so stay tuned, but the bottom line is this: If you expect the marketing department to handle everything inbound-related, you’re probably not going to make it.
Myth #3: People will find your content on their own.
The “if-you-build-it-they-will-come” fallacy is fairly common among business starting out with the inbound approach. You’ve gone through all the trouble of creating original content, and because you don’t actively promote it, it just sits there collecting digital dust. To get your content in front of the right people, you’ll need to put some marketing muscle behind it in the form of social media, merchandising and perhaps even advertising spend.
Myth #4: Inbound marketing doesn’t require much money.
False. Compelling content doesn’t materialize out of thin air. Landing pages don’t self-replicate. Marketing automation tools (despite their name) don’t run themselves. Many companies fail at inbound marketing because they don’t anticipate the costs and quickly run out of money and/or content. Usually both.
Myth #5: Inbound marketing isn’t for every type of company.
Does your company have a product or service to sell? Good, then you can make inbound marketing work. It doesn’t matter how big or small your company is, what it sells or where it sells it – if you have a business, inbound marketing can work.
Myth #6: You’ll see results immediately.
You might see results immediately, but generally it’s a slow and steady climb. Many companies start off strong, with lots of new content updated on a regular basis, and when they don’t see the results they wanted after several months, they lose interest and give up. Remember, inbound marketing is a method, not a tactic, so you need to make a long-term commitment if you really want it to succeed.
There’s a lot of misconception surrounding what it takes to succeed in building an inbound business. The myths we listed here are only a few of the ways in which businesses get sidetracked.